Social media strategy for local government (2 Days)

ID: 90725

The two-day seminar "Social Media Strategy for Local Government" offers a practical introduction to planning and implementing an effective social media communication strategy. Designed for public administration staff, this seminar focuses on leveraging social media to engage citizens, enhance transparency, and improve the public image of government authorities. Participants will learn how to design and manage a communication strategy tailored to the needs of local government.

Target Audience:

This seminar is intended for employees of public administrations who are responsible for communication, public relations, or social media management. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals looking to enhance their understanding of digital communication strategies. The course is particularly beneficial for those seeking to establish an effective social media presence on behalf of their authority.

Course Contents:

  • Introduction to social media and its impact on public communication
  • Developing a social media strategy for local government
  • Selecting appropriate platforms based on authority needs
  • Creating engaging and relevant content
  • Interacting with citizens and managing comments
  • Evaluating and optimizing social media performance

Learning Objectives:

Participants will learn how to develop a social media strategy that meets the goals of their local government. They will gain skills in creating engaging content, choosing suitable platforms, and effectively managing citizen interactions. By the end of the seminar, participants will be able to design and implement a coherent digital communication strategy that aligns with their administration’s needs.

Benefits and Advantages:

  • Comprehensive understanding of social media and its role in public communication
  • Skills to develop an effective social media strategy
  • Ability to create relevant content that engages the public
  • Improved transparency and public image of the authority
  • Ability to measure and optimize social media performance
  • KAT5125
  • mehrtägig

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Termine u. Anmeldung

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* Alle Preise pro Teilnehmer inkl. gesetzl. Mehrwertsteuer.

Was unsere Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen sagen:

Viele Informationen zur „dinglichen Sicherung“ erhalten. Praxisbezogene Themen wurden sehr gut vermittelt.

Das Seminar war sehr strukturiert und organisiert aufgebaut. Der Dozent hat sein Wissen verständlich und unkompliziert vermittelt.

Das Thema wurde motiviert und lebendig vermittelt, sehr gute Grundlage.