Basics of German Administrative Law

ID: 90710

The seminar "Basics of German Administrative Law" provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of German administrative law from the perspective of public authorities. Participants will gain an understanding of the legal framework governing administrative actions, learn about key procedural rules, and explore the practical implications for their daily work. The seminar aims to enhance participants' understanding of administrative procedures and ensure a lawful and efficient implementation of administrative tasks.

Target Audience:

This seminar is designed for employees of public authorities, especially those new to administrative law or those seeking to deepen their understanding of the German administrative system. It is suitable for both newcomers and experienced professionals who wish to update their knowledge or acquire a more structured approach to administrative procedures and decision-making within their authority.

Course Contents:

  • Overview of German administrative law and its structure
  • Key principles of administrative actions
  • Administrative procedures and decision-making processes
  • Rights and duties of public authorities
  • Legal remedies and review procedures
  • Case studies and practical examples

Learning Objectives:

Participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of German administrative law, including the rights and duties of public authorities. They will learn to apply key procedural rules to ensure that administrative actions are lawful, fair, and efficient. By the end of the seminar, participants will be equipped with the knowledge needed to handle administrative tasks confidently and in compliance with legal standards.

Benefits and Advantages:

  • Comprehensive introduction to German administrative law
  • Enhanced understanding of administrative procedures
  • Confidence in handling administrative tasks lawfully and efficiently
  • Practical knowledge through case studies and real-life examples
  • Improved legal compliance and risk mitigation in daily work
  • KAT5125

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Termine u. Anmeldung

  1. Onlinetermine
  2. Präsenzveranstaltungen

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* Alle Preise pro Teilnehmer inkl. gesetzl. Mehrwertsteuer.

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Kleine Runde; insbesondere bei Vorbehalten, Fragen zu stellen, sehr hilfreich!

Gutes Skript, welches man als Arbeitshilfe für die eigene Arbeit nutzen kann, viele Informationen welche Einwirkungsmöglichkeiten man hat...

Der kleine Teilnehmerkreis hat mir gut gefallen, sodass ein Austausch stattfand. Für mich schwierige Materie wurde gut erklärt, sodass keine Fragen mehr offen sind.