Basics of German Administrative Law (3 days)

ID: 90715

The three-day seminar "Basics of German Administrative Law" provides an in-depth introduction to the core concepts of German administrative law from the perspective of public authorities. Participants will gain a solid understanding of the legal framework governing administrative actions, focusing on practical applications in daily work. This intensive course aims to equip participants with the knowledge necessary for lawful and effective implementation of administrative procedures and decisions.

Target Audience:

This seminar is designed for employees of public authorities and governmental institutions who are either new to administrative law or wish to expand their understanding of the German administrative system. It is ideal for public sector employees involved in decision-making, administrative procedures, and legal compliance, regardless of their level of experience.

Course Contents:

  • Overview of German administrative law and its sources
  • Key principles of legality, proportionality, and equal treatment
  • Administrative procedures and decision-making processes
  • Legal rights of citizens and duties of public authorities
  • Remedies, appeals, and judicial review
  • Practical case studies and interactive group exercises

Learning Objectives:

Participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of German administrative law, including the principles of legality, proportionality, and citizen rights. They will learn how to apply administrative procedures correctly, make informed decisions, and handle citizen complaints effectively. By the end of the seminar, participants will be confident in managing administrative actions while ensuring legal compliance and fairness.

Benefits and Advantages:

  • In-depth knowledge of German administrative law
  • Practical understanding of administrative procedures and decision-making
  • Ability to handle citizen complaints and appeals lawfully
  • Enhanced legal compliance in daily administrative tasks
  • Interactive learning through case studies and group exercises
  • KAT5125
  • mehrtägig

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Für etwaige Fragen stehen wir Ihnen vorab unter zur Verfügung. Gerne können Sie sich auch im Nachgang an uns wenden, sollten weitere Fragen entstehen.

Termine u. Anmeldung

  1. Onlinetermine
  2. Präsenzveranstaltungen

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Auf Wunsch organisieren wir unsere Veranstaltung auch als Präsenztermin. Bei Interesse freuen wir uns über Ihre Anfrage, um gemeinsam einen passenden Termin und Ort zu vereinbaren. Sprechen Sie uns an – wir stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung!

* Alle Preise pro Teilnehmer inkl. gesetzl. Mehrwertsteuer.

Was unsere Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen sagen:

Besonders gut gefallen hat mir der Aufbau des Seminars: pro Abschnitt zunächst die Theorie und direkt im Anschluss die Anwendung auf Fälle, um einen Praxisbezug zu bekommen.

Die sehr gut verständliche Erläuterung mit Fallbeispielen fand ich super...

Die Dozentin hat das Thema sehr gut referiert.